
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eating like a big girl...

At the end of December, we decided to begin giving Grace some rice cereal to see if she would like it. And like it she did! She does pretty well eating the cereal and getting most of it in her mouth. I definitely wanted to do this while Tom was still here so that he could participate in feeding her. She sits up great in her Bumb0 and has a lot of fun!

One of the first bites

Most of it got in her mouth:)
Tom and I decided to make a gingerbread house together this year for the first time. He got it all set up and I added on the candy. It was quite a mess and only stayed up for a little while.
Grace had a front row seat so that she could watch Tom put it together.
She had fun sticking her hands in the frosting and tearing off the chimney. It went to the trash can pretty soon after this. Too sweet, even for me.

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